Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Enhancements and Improvements that will be done - clock.cav.ph
Enhancements and Improvements that will be done
1. Improve handling of SMS and increase the speed of SMS reply.
2. SMS broadcasting - clubs that uses the latest version will have this features, they can send messages to all their members.
3. You can now get or download sms data from gateway directly from your management module, and even error massages from the gateway will be provided.
4. New keyword and services will be released.
5. Improve the user interface.
6. Additional information will be provided via our web site, like realtime weather report, sunrise sunset, speed forecasting and other computing needs.
7. Version 4.0 will be released. (We will use barcoded/encrypted stickers), we will post the details of version 4.0 later on.
8. Offline version of management module, will be developed.
9. WAP clocking version will be released. (web browsing via mobile phone - 3G)
10. MMS feature will be released. (Sending of Pictures/Images and Videos)
WAP Clocking
To test WAP clocking system: (WAP capable phones GPRS or 3G)
open mobile phone browser to http://clock.cav.ph/wap/
You will see:
Mobile Pigeon Clocking System
Your Mobile Number
Input Box
Send Button/Link
Enter KEYWORD MESSAGE on the input box then click Send.
How to Setup WAP by Activating GPRS and MMS of Globe Cell Phones
How to Setup WAP by Activating GPRS and MMS of Smart Cell Phones
Smart Gold MMS GPRS Setup
Smart Buddy MMS GPRS Setup
How to Setup WAP by Activating GPRS and MMS of Sun Cell Phones
Manual Configuration
Smart GPRS/MMS Settings
Go to Menu=>Services=>WAP=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select Smart WAP, Press Activate Profile and Save
Go to Menu=>Messages=>MMS=>Message Settings=>Server Profile
Select Smart MMS, Select Activate Profile and Save
Text “GPRS ON” to 333 to activate your GPRS and MMS status with Smart
* If surfing or MMS sending does not work or results in an error, please proceed to the next step for manual setting.
Go to Menu=>Services=>WAP=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select Smart WAP, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “Smart GPRS”
Homepage: ”http://wap.smart.com.ph”
Data Account: “Smart GPRS”
Connection Type: Select HTTP, Press Ok
Proxy Address: “”
Proxy Port: “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to activate profile
Go to WAP/Settings/Edit Profile
Select a Profile and go to Edit Profile
Rename Profile: Smart Internet
Homepage: Enter ”http://wap.smart.com.ph”
Data Account: go to GPRS and select Smart Internet and Click “Ok”
Connection Type: Select HTTP and Press OK
Proxy Address: Enter “”
Proxy Port: Enter “8080”
Click “Back” then Click “Done”
Go to Menu=>Messages=>MMS=>Message Settings=>Server Profile
Select Smart MMS, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “Smart MMS”
Homepage: “”
Data Account: “Smart MMS”
Connection Type: Select “HTTP”, Press Ok
Proxy Address: “”
Port: Enter “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to activate profile
Globe GPRS/MMS Settings
Go to Menu=>Services=>WAP=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select myGlobe GPRS, Press Activate Profile and Save
Go to Menu=>Messages=>MMS=>Message Settings=>Server Profile
Select myGlobe MMS, Select Activate Profile and Save
Activate by sending “GO” to 2951 but do not save the response from Globe.
* If surfing or MMS sending does not work or results in an error, please proceed to the next step for manual setting.
Go to WAP=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select myGlobe WAP, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “myGlobe WAP”
Homepage: “http://3g.myglobe.com.ph/main/wap/main.do”
Data Account: “myGlobe GPRS”
Press Options, Press Ok
Connection Type: Select “HTTP”, Press Ok
Proxy Address: “”
Proxy Port: “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to activate profile
Go to Wap=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select myGlobe GPRS, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “myGlobe WAP”
Homepage: “http://2g.myglobe.com.ph/main/wap/main.do”
Data Account: :myGlobe GPRS”
Press Options, Ok
Connection Type: Select “HTTP: and Press Ok
Proxy Address: Enter “”
Proxy Port: Enter “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to Activate Profile
Go to Menu=>Messages=>MMS=>Message Settings=>Server Profile
Select myGlobe MMS, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “myGlobe MMS”
Homepage: ””
Data Account: “myGlobe MMS”
Connection Type: Select “HTTP”, Press Ok
Proxy Address: “”
Proxy Port: “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to activate profile
Sun GPRS/MMS Settings
Go to Menu=>Services=>WAP=>Settings=> Edit Profile
Select Sun WAP, Press Activate Profile and Save
Go to Menu=>Messages=>MMS=>Message Settings=>Server Profile
Select Sun MMS, Select Activate Profile and Save
For corporate accounts, fax a letter of request and ID of the authorized signatory to 395-0138. Text “ACTIVATE” to 2300
If unable to activate,please call Sun Customer Hotline (200 on your mobile phone).
* If surfing or MMS sending does not work or results in an error, please proceed to the next step for manual setting.
Go to Menu=>Services=>Wap=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select Sun GPRS, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “Sun GPRS”
Homepage: “http://www.suncellular.com.ph”
Data Account: “Sun GPRS
Connection Type: Select “HTTP”, Press Ok
Proxy Address: “”
Proxy Port: “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to activate profile
Go to Menu=>Services=>Wap=>Settings=>Edit Profile
Select “Sun WAP”, Select “Edit Profile”
Rename Profile: “Sun WAP”
Homepage: “http://www.suncellular.com.ph”
Data Account: “Sun GPRS”
Connection Type: Select “HTTP”
Proxy Address: “”
Proxy Port: “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Yes to activate profile
Go to Menu=>Messages=>MMS=>Message Setting=>Server Profile
Select Sun MMS, Select Edit Profile
Rename Profile: “Sun MMS”
Homepage: “http://mmscenter.suncellular.com.ph”
Data Account: “Sun MMS”
Connection Type: Select “HTTP”
Proxy Address: “”
Proxy Port: “8080”
Select Activate Profile, Press Yes to activate profile
SMS Texting Format - clock.cav.ph
SMS Texting Format
SMS Pigeon Clocking System version 3.0
Advantages of our mobile phones:
1. Handy
2. Portable
3. Cheap
4. Convenient
XDev Pigeon Clocking System accepts SMS and MMS from 3 Telco companies in the Philippines, such as Globe, Smart and Sun cellular network, by using one central access number (2948).
These networks are connected to a single gateway, which serves as a time server.
Text Formats:
Entry Format
INNER: ANY NUMERIC VALUE (unknown to the system)
Allowed delimiter: [space , asterisk *, sharp #]
CRPC 123 4567
CRPC 123*4567
CRPC 123#4567
CRPC 1234 5678
CRPC 1234*5678
CRPC 1234#5678
No race codes, club coding, or player names. This is much easier to input and easy to remember. By texting a correct entry format, the system will reply.
CRPC Clock, message sent, time stamp, released time, race point, lap, loft, distance, flight, total minutes, pigeon ID and the speed.
CRPC Clock-[Crpc 7593*4775]
Time:2009-01-04 08:44:47,
Released:2009-01-04 06:41:31,
Race Point:Plaridel,
Pigeon ID:CRPA 07-75255,
visit clock.cav.ph
If you send an invalid entry code or outer number the system will reply:
CRPC:Sorry, Your entry does not exist. Pls. check the outer number and mobile number, if its really registered to you. visit clock.cav.ph
What to do?
Check carefully your sticker or rubber outer number. If error still persist contact your club committees.
Possible errors are:
Race entry does not exist.
Outer number was encoded incorrectly.
Mobile phone is incorrectly registered, check your ID number assigned to you.
Outer number is assigned to other player/member.
You can not use mobile phones of other players
Other players/members can not send or texted your entries using their mobile phones
Release Format
Upon using this service the system will reply this for players.
CRPC:The birds was released at exactly [2009-01-04 06:41:31]
Distance:132154.12 .
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords.
Not yet released
CRPC:Sorry, the birds was not yet released.
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords. visit clock.cav.ph
Schedule Format
The system will send a schedule list based on your race schedules inputed into the system.
Sample reply:
CRPC-S-Aparri: 2008-07-04.
Registration Format
This is onetime registration only. But you can register multiple mobile numbers.
the system will register the mobile number to member 168. (CRPC: Gilbert Laurel).
CRPC:Gilbert Laurel, Thank you for registering to CRPC clocking system. visit clock.cav.ph
CRPC:Your mobile number 9164059671 is no longer registered. To register your mobile number Text CRPC REG MemberID, or Text CRPC HELP for more keywords. visit clock.cav.ph
Why do we need to register?
This are for security measure, proper identification and for expanded control.
You can not register multiple ID number with one mobile phone
Always double check your assigned ID number
You can register multiple mobile phones with one ID number.
Speed Forecasting Format
The system can aide players through speed forecasting, by computing their speed prediction based on their own distance and based on the actual release time. Each players will have their own predication based on their distance and actual release time. Speed prediction will be from: 1400,1300,1200...700.
CRPC:Speed Forecast [APROX]
Released:2008-12-28 06:57:08,
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords.
Cutoff Format
The system can help you compute your cutoff time, based on your own distance and actual time of release.
CRPC:Your cutoff is approximately [700:2009-01-04 09:56:31].
Based on Released:2009-01-04 06:41:31,
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords. visit clock.cav.ph
Sunrise and Sunset Format
CRPC:Todays rise - 2009-01-06 06:23:22,
Todays set - 2009-01-06 17:40:57,
Tomorrow rise - 2009-01-07 06:23:40,
Tomorrow set - 2009-01-07 17:41:33
visit clock.cav.ph
Result Format
CRPC RESULT – All (combined Old and Young)
CRPC RESULTYB – Young birds
System will generate a real time and unofficial result, the system can send top 10 records. Again this is an unofficial result , which is subject for verification and checking by the each clubs.
Sample Reply:
CRPC:Unofficial result: [YB]
1. GENER SAPNO-8351:1049.056,
2. ROWELL BELLA-8187:1040.243,
3. RANDY DE-GUZMAN-8261:1014.124,
4. WILFREDO SAMACO-8094:1013.632,
5. JOEL-BUKOL DELA-CRUZ-8139:1003.696,
6. FERDIE SALUD-8046:995.411,
7. ROWELL BELLA-8363:992.343,
8. ALVIN FONTANILLA-8026:986.455,
9. WILFREDO SAMACO-8093:973.723,
10. PHILIP NUBLA SR.-8312:967.459,
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords. visit clock.cav.ph
CRPC:Unofficial result: [OB]
1. GEORGE JAVINES-CRPA 08-10826:1027.083,
2. DENNIS REYES-CRPA 08-10487:1018.211,
3. DENNIS REYES-CRPA 08-10723:984.999,
4. WILFREDO SAMACO-CRPA 07-76389:983.338,
5. WILFREDO SAMACO-PHC 08-09373:979.303,
6. HARDY BARZAGA-CRPA 08-10645:977.572,
7. MANUEL DELA-CRUZ-CRPA 08-10911:961.057,
8. GEORGE JAVINES-TRPA 02-020769:957.652,
9. WILFREDO SAMACO-CRPA 08-10300:919.366,
10. NOEL BERNARDO-CRPA 06-060266:914.551,
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords. visit clock.cav.ph
CRPC:Unofficial result: [ALL]
1. GENER SAPNO-8351:1049.056,
2. ROWELL BELLA-8187:1040.243,
3. GEORGE JAVINES-CRPA 08-10826:1027.083,
4. DENNIS REYES-CRPA 08-10487:1018.211,
5. RANDY DE-GUZMAN-8261:1014.124,
6. WILFREDO SAMACO-8094:1013.632,
7. JOEL-BUKOL DELA-CRUZ-8139:1003.696,
8. FERDIE SALUD-8046:995.411,
9. ROWELL BELLA-8363:992.343,
10. ALVIN FONTANILLA-8026:986.455,
Text CRPC HELP for more keywords. visit clock.cav.ph
Other error messages:
CRPA:Sorry, no race result yet, pls try again later. Text CRPA HELP for more keywords.
CRPA:Sorry, Mobile number not registered.
CRPA:Sorry, Invalid/Incomplete inner number [OB]. Pls check your sticker/rubber number carefully.
CRPA:Sorry, Invalid code format, pls. check sample code:[123 4567, 123*4567, 123#4567]. Text CRPA HELP for more keywords.
CRPC:Sorry, your subscription has expired. You have to renew it to continue with this services. If you have questions contact us at www.xdevsoft.com - info@xdevsoft.com
Text cost:
Globe – 2.50
Smart – 2.50
Sun – 2.00
Unlimited text load are not allowed
Roaming are not allowed
System Packages - clock.cav.ph
Pigeon Clocking System developed by XDev Software Solution.
Pigeon Clocking System Ver. 1.0
Price: 2,000.00 per year. No setup fee.Features:
1. WEB viewing of all SMS transactions.
1.1 SMS Entries
1.2 System Log [Messages and Replies]
1.3 Status Log [Status of text message, and error encountered from the SMSC]
Just text:
The simplest clocking system, it will just return or reply with a time-stamp.
Pigeon Clocking System Ver. 1.5
This version is almost the same with ver 1.0, but this version has an additional parameters which is always required.
Price: 2,000.00 per year. No setup fee.Features:
1. WEB viewing of all SMS transactions.
1.1 SMS Entries
1.2 System Log [Messages and Replies]
1.3 Status Log [Status of text message, and error encountered from the SMSC]
Just text:
RCODE - Race Code, Group or just simply a tag that will serves as filtering key.
The simplest clocking system, it will just return or reply with a time-stamp.
Pigeon Clocking System Ver. 2.0
Price: 0.00 - this version is not available, we recommend the version 3.0.Features:
1. Race Manager
1.1 Race Point Management
1.2 Member Management
1.3 Race, Training and Season Scheduler
1.4 Race Entry Manager
2. Automatic Velocity/Speed computation
2.1 Velocity is based on release time, members loft or aerial distance and arrival time.
3. WEB viewing of all SMS transactions.
3.1 SMS Entries
3.2 System Log [Messages and Replies]
3.3 Status Log [Status of text message, and error encountered from the SMSC]
To get all this text format, just send CLUB HELP
CLUB OUTER*INNER - send sticker code
CLUB RELEASE - get release time
CLUB RESULT - get result for all category
CLUB RESULTYB - get result for young bird entries
CLUB RESULTOB - get result for old bird entries
CLUB CUTOFF - get individual race cutoff
CLUB FORECAST - get speed forecast
CLUB SCHEDULE - get race schedules
CLUB REG IDNumber - register cel/mobile number
CLUB UNREG - unregister cel/mobile number

Pigeon Clocking System Ver. 3.0
Price: 2,000.00 per year subscription fee, SMS only.with MMS plus 1,000.00 per year subscription fee
with WAP plus 1,000.00 per year subscription fee
Onetime setup fee: 8,000.00 - free one year of SMS subscription.
1. Race Manager
1.1 Race Point Management
1.2 Member Management
1.3 Race Schedule Management
1.4 Race Entry Management
1.5 Account Management
1.6 Sub Services Management
1.7 Aerial Distance/Loft Distance Viewing and Printing
2. Automatic Velocity/Speed computation
2.1 Velocity is based on release time, members loft or aerial distance and arrival time.
3. WEB viewing of all SMS transactions.
3.1 SMS Entries
3.2 System Log [Messages and Replies]
3.3 Status Log [Status of text message, and error encountered from the SMSC]
3.4 View MMS Log, view pictures and watch the videos.
4. MMS - Multimedia capable, you can send images and videos
5. WAP - 3G and mobile internet
CLUB OUTER*INNER - send sticker code
CLUB RELEASE - get release time
CLUB RELEASE COORDINATES - set release time and new race coordinates
CLUB RESULT - get result for all category
CLUB RESULTYB - get result for young bird entries
CLUB RESULTOB - get result for old bird entries
CLUB CUTOFF - get individual race cutoff
CLUB FORECAST - get speed forecast
CLUB SCHEDULE - get race schedules
CLUB SUNRISE - get sunrise
CLUB SUNSET - get sunset
CLUB REG IDNumber - register cel/mobile number
CLUB UNREG - unregister cel/mobile number
Introduction - clock.cav.ph
Pigeon Racing
Pigeon racing involves the flying of specially trained pigeons over long distances.
Pigeon racing is a sport involving the release of specially trained racing pigeons, which then return to their homes over a carefully measured distance. The time it takes the animal to cover the specified distance is measured and the pigeons rate of travel is calculated and compared with all of the other pigeons in the race to determine which bird returned at the highest rate of speed.
The winner of a pigeon race is the bird with the highest velocity, that is, the distance flown divided by the time taken. Races can often be won and lost in seconds, and to counter this, many different timing apparatus have been developed. The traditional timing method involves rubber rings being placed into a specially designed clock, whereas a newer development uses RFID tags to record arrival time.
Types of timing apparatus used here in the Philippines
Analog Clock
The traditional method of timing racing pigeons involves rubber rings with unique serial numbers and a specially designed pigeon racing clock. The ring is attached around the bird's leg before being sent to race. The serial number is recorded, the clock is set and sealed, and the bird carries the ring home. When the first bird returns, its trainer removes the ring and places it in a slot in the clock. The time that the ring was placed in the clock and is recorded as the official time that the competing bird arrived home. From this timestamp an average speed is measured and a winner of the race can be found.
Electronic Clock
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.
An RFID tag is an object that can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.
Example of electronic clock used here in the Philippines:
Benzing ClockSMS Clock (Mobile Phone)
The mobile phone (also called a wireless phone, or cellular phone)[1] is a short-range, portable electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones may support many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS for text messaging, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, gaming, bluetooth, infrared, camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video.
XDev Software Solution came up with this services, right now we are not just limited to SMS, clocking can be achieved via MMS and WAP (3g) internet access via mobile phone.
New Pigeon Clocking System ver 3.0 - clock.cav.ph
New Pigeon Clocking System ver 3.0
With automatic velocity/speed computation and built-in Race Manager.
You can get this services by using your mobile phones:
CLUB RELEASE - get/set the release time
CLUB RELEASE N 18 20 54.1 E 121 38 29.77 - with real time coordinates transmission
CLUB RESULT - combined Old and Young Birds
CLUB RESULTYB - for Young Birds
CLUB RESULTOB - for Old Birds
CLUB FORECAST - speed forecasting/prediction
CLUB CUTOFF - individual cutoff time
CLUB SUNRISE - actual sunrise
CLUB SUNSET - actual sunset
CLUB REG MEMBERID - registration of mobile phone
CLUB UNREG - remove mobile number from the registration list
CLUB SCHEDULE - get the current race schedule
CLUB TEST - for testing purposes only
How about sending pictures and videos, on the system. Then download the images and videos to your mobile phones. Instead of returning the rubberbands or stickers, you can take a picture of them then send it via MMS. You can also take videos of the actual release then send it via MMS, so all your members can download it or watch it on the web site.
Site Tools
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Please download this recommended tools. Firefox web browser is the most reliable and secure browser, while the QuickTime player will be used to view and play the videos uploaded via MMS and mobile phones. Acrobat Reader for opening and reading clocking documents and manuals. OpenOffice is your alternative if you don't have Micorosoft office installed, we can use this to view and open downloaded spread sheet data's from the site.
Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.
Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.